We are building Europe’s most innovative brush factory!


Our new brush factory is growing quickly and will soon be completed! This fall we are going to move our production and will then have plenty of space to produce more brushes than ever before!

On 10.000m² of land, we are building Europe’s most innovative brush factory. Automation and digitalization will support our staff with their work and help make our company a great place to work!

Especially for manual production, a modern work space with fair working conditions is the most important prerequisite for manufacturing a fair and sustainable product.

Out of conviction, we have decided to continue our companies long tradition, production, and growth in Germany. One main reason is that this is the best way to manufacture products of unrivaled quality. Another reason is clearly supply-chain reliability and stability within Europe. These are crucial success factors our customers are benefiting from.

That’s how we secure jobs in the long run and can continue to produce the brushes artists love painting with!

lineo, fine brushes since 1911

Spread your passion for art!